
New Online Natural Swimming Pool Education

Dear friends,

Here’s what’s happening at BioNova® Natural Pools North America…

New Online NSP Education

As mentioned a few weeks back, BioNova® was in attendance at this years 2024 Pool and Spa Show in Atlantic City, New Jersey where our Vice President of Dealer Development, Allen Schnaak, was in town to promote awareness of Natural Pools and gave two separate presentations on natural pools.

We had a great turn out to both presentations, but to help expand our audience and spread the word even more about natural pools  we recorded both presentations. These recording have been edited and the slides provide in the corner of the video so they can be easily read, and these videos are now available to anyone on YouTube.

The first, titled “BioNova NSP Natural Swimming Pool Basics for Builders“, provides the intro level information on NSPs. Specifically how some use a planted regeneration zone, others employ a biological filter that don’t require plants and how in all cases, a properly designed NSP will provide clear, clean, soothing water that is entirely chemical free.

Allen’s Presentation, BioNova NSP Natural Swimming Pool Basics for Builders.

The second presentation, titled “BioNova NSP Natural Swimming Pool Design for Builders“, discusses the design of NSPs to include details about properly sizing the biological filter area to accommodate the size of the swimming area as well as the anticipated use and bather load requirements. 

Allen’s Presentation, BioNova NSP Natural Swimming Pool Design for Builders.

We hope these are a valuable source of information to you and your clients and encourage you to disseminate these as you see fit.

We would love to hear about your current BioNova® projects. Please send Ryan,, any information and pictures of your projects and we will gladly put them in the newsletter to share with all of the dealers. Thank you and we hope to see your inputs soon!

Questions, Concerns, Thoughts

As always, we encourage you to contact us and share your thoughts, questions, and concerns with BioNova®. We are available to assist you in any way we can. Feel free to email me directly with photos, project updates, testimonials, etc., and we’ll include them in an upcoming Newsletter.

Ryan Harmer

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