
What is a Natural Swimming Pool (NSP)?

What is an NSP? NSPs, whether they are called swimming ponds, swim ponds, natural swimming pools, natural pools, organic pools or biological pools, are all based on the science of limnology and have four fundamental attributes.

  • containedvesselnsp(1)

    Contained Vessel

    The NSP is a contained vessel. The water in the NSP is contained and recirculated but there is no introduction of outside water such as from an underground spring, a stream or any other outside source, except for makeup water to replenish any water lost from evaporation or splash out.

  • swimmingzone

    Separate Swimming Zone

    The swimming zone of the NSP is always separated in some fashion from the biological filter. This means that any aquatic planting will not be adversely affected by the physical presence of swimmers.

  • nochemicals


    There are no chemicals or other devices, such as UV, ozone generators, ionizers or salt systems, used to disinfect or sterilize the pool water. All clarifying and purifying of the pool water is performed entirely by natural biological processes. 

  • guidelinesnsp

    Built to Code

    The NSP is designed, engineered, permitted and constructed in conformance with applicable guidelines for a swimming pool.

NSP BioSwimPond®

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A natural swimming pool purified by a wetlands regeneration zone. This type of NSP uses aquatic plants and beneficial microbes to control algae and clean the water. The design has the look and feel of a naturally occurring pond, with an attached or completely separate planted zone.

NSP BioPool®

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A natural swimming pool purified by a biological filter system that does not use aquatic plants. This type of NSP uses a biofilm filter to control algae and clean the water. Called a BioPool® or a LivingPool™, The design has the look and feel of a traditional swimming pool.

TypeNSP BioSwimPond® SoloNSP BioSwimPond® DuoNSP BioPool®
Filter DescriptionAttached wetlands filterDetached wetlands filterBiofilm filter
DesignMost naturalBlend of formal and naturalMost formal
# of Pumps≥2≥1≥1
Pump operationInterval operation24/724/7
Installation Cost$$$$$$
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