Dear readers and swimmers,
First, we want to thank all of you who have read and shared our natural swimming pool articles, pictures, and blogs this past year. Growing a community starts with folks who want to see stunning, natural spaces in their backyard as well as their neighbor’s! Second, we’re starting this new year with some fresh ideas and new goals, but we want to take stock of what we accomplished last year before we look forward:
Last year we rekindled our non-profit, the Association for Swimming Ponds and Natural Swimming Pools (ASPNSP). We’ve selected a new board, and our first meeting later this month will help chart a course for becoming a leading industry resource for NSP information, programming, and outreach. The ASPNSP needs more active volunteers and members to accomplish our goals, however, and there are a few ways for you to get involved immediately:
Join the ASPNSP mailing list
Why? Sign up to receive the latest updates related to natural swimming pools in addition to nature-based solutions for biodiversity management in the U.S. and around the globe!
Like and share our page on Facebook!
Why? By spreading the word about natural swimming pools, you’ll help put more eyes on our mission and vision: we want to inform the public about NSPs through scientific research, educational opportunities, and outreach. In doing so, we highlight the benefits of natural swimming pools by leading regulatory change in the United States.
Make a donation
Why? A donation leads helps support us in the early stages of ASPNSP’s growth. Operations, marketing, software tools, and event registrations are all considerations for a donation, and we thank you for your support!
Become a member
Why? ASPNSP membership means you’re contributing your passion and capital to a fast-growing, ecologically friendly trend in the United States. NSPs are a way for people to enjoy the outdoors in any space, in any place. Whether we create school programs about the science of natural swimming pools or fundraise for the construction of a public natural swimming pool, the sky is the limit for how we can achieve our vision of a future where NSPs support environmental stewardship for the current and future generation of swimming pool owners

We also joined CADdetails, the premier source for high-quality building product information
It was a smart move for BioNova. The functionality of our microsite provides links to easily share with design professionals. The 3D breakdown of our BF4 Filter and several galleries of past projects is another exciting feature we like. If you are reading this and are a design professional (landscape architect, city planner, HOA member), or know someone who is, pass along our site!
We also had not 1 but 2 feature articles last year! You can read those here in the links below, and if you want more feature articles on BioNova, check out our updated past articles section here!
- Watershapes Online Magazine – Natural Inclinations
- AQUA Magazine – 3 Most Common Myths About Natural Swimming Pools
Lastly, we’re creating more video content for BioNova as pool season approaches in spring. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but you can only capture so much in a still image. We want to show you the client testimonials, distinct pool features, and kid cannonballs that make us love building natural swimming pools across America.
As always, we will have weekly blogs and partnership announcements here at our BioNova blog center. We’ll share more with you in the coming weeks, but if you have questions now, check out our FAQ page, download our Definitive Guide to NSPs, or shoot us an email here!