The first BioNova® Natural Swimming Pool in the state of Virginia is now operational! This project was a conversion of an existing concrete chemical swimming pool to a Type V BioPool®, our most energy-efficient style of NSP. The pool was renovated and refinished with eco-green PoolHide® 60 mil PVC membrane by Eric Rosseland and Lee Miller of Rin Robyn Pools, while the regeneration zone, plumbing, and BioNova® equipment was installed by BioNova® Dealer Larry Carnes of Reflections Water Gardens. Later this month the homeowner will be working with a local aquatic plant specialist to finalize the planting plan for the regeneration zone. This NSP is functioning as a 1-pump system utilizing the Speck ES90 1.1 THP variable speed pump and is circulating 24/7 using only 100 watts of electricity per hour! Now that’s energy efficient!

First BioNova® NSP in Virginia